Friday, August 17, 2012

The first official PTM

Aug 3, 2012: The first official PTM in my daughter's school for PlayGroup-II. Her time slot was 10.20 AM-10.30 AM.

The first thing that the teacher told me as soon as I sat was "She has a lot of energy na?" (Coincidentally, my kid was running and playing with other kids who were waiting for their PTM turn). I smiled and said, "If I had 25% of the energy she had, I would have managed her".

Some other points mentioned in the PTM are as follows:

  • She is very observing. She notices what the teacher does for her activity and does the activity quickly. Then, she goes around the class to see what other kids are doing :-)
  • She does not sit in one place when she is free and is always mobile. She gets extra enthusiastic when going for playground activities and rushes for her turn.
  • She eats her food herself most of the times, and says potty time also.
  • Her teacher said this precisely, "Extremely intelligent".
  • There is a girl by name N****** in her class. She is quite tiny for her age it seems. So, my daughter (or for that matter, all the other kids in the class) treats her as a baby. My kid is extra-caring about her. When N****** comes to class, my kid stops what she is doing, goes to N****** and brings N****** to her seat. If any other kid tries to sit near N******, my kid does not allow them. She is so possessive about N****** :-)
  • One strange thing the teacher said she found in my kid was that she was not able to associate kids with their names. And also, even though she plays with kids, she does not talk to them. On her 3rd birthday (July 26th), I had given sweets for her to distribute to her friends. When the teacher told my kid to give it to each child (specifying the child by name), my kid was unable to associate them with names. But the teacher feels she will outgrow them. What I think is, we do not use names to identify people at home. Its only relationships. May be, she did not grasp the concept that each child, just like her, has a name. But, one another thing is she identifies her flatmates with their names. And all the cartoon characters she watches, she knows by name. I am not able to understand why she is not able to identify her classmates with their names...
  • My kid sometimes goes and hugs her teacher and talks with her it seems.
  • She enjoys singing rhymes.
  • Finally, the teacher said that there is absolutely no problem with my kid in anything else and is perfectly ok in class.

I had a good experience in the PTM, with the teacher giving some good feedback (and interesting too) about my kid :-) and hope and pray things go on fine for my beloved :-)

Monday, August 13, 2012


Some of the milestones in my daughter's life:
  • Started drinking formula from bottle - When 2 months of age
  • First air travel - Just before completing 3 months of age (Prior to that, during 7th month in mommy's womb, while travelling from UAE to India)
  • Mottai and ear piercing - 7th month at Thiruthani, Tamil Nadu, India
  • During the end of 12th month - Started walking without support (This turned out to be the day after we got her a walker :-) )
  • Stopped mommy's milk - 15 months (No special effort from mommy, Baby grew responsible herself :-) )
  • Started waking up lesser number of times during nights for feeds - Around 15 months (kind of Coincided with stopping mommy's milk)
  • First playschool attended - around 1yrs 8 months (At Abu Dhabi). Got settled in her school in around 10 days. But she continued it only for just 2 months or so, as she was getting infected with fever and cold very very often, and we had to travel to India as well, and hence discontinued it.
  • Started calling me "amma", completely grasping the concept that I will respond if she calls me so - 2 yrs 3 months
  • Second playschool at Bangalore - 2.5 yrs (For 3 months, from Jan 2012). Following that, she went to Summer camp in the same school during April and May 2012
  • Proper preschool at Bangalore - 2 yrs 11 months (Called Playgroup-II in that specific school) -- Amazingly happy to go to school and asks "amma school" the first thing even on weekends :-) and asks what is in the "box" (Lunch box). Double happy if I say "Noodles"
  • First PTM - In the above school, sometime during March 2012
  • Potty training to an extent - 2 yrs 9 months (The day after I got her the book "Once Upon a Potty-Girl" and started reading it to her)
  • Completely potty trained - 2 yrs 11.5 months (After she started going to the above PG-II school, she had become specific to go the job only in the toilet, even if she is in diaper)
  • Lot of English speaking - 2 yrs 11 months (When she was about to complete her summer camp. English and her talking increased a loooooot after she joined her PG-II)
  • First birthday which she really enjoyed and realised - Her 3rd birthday (Princess theme)
  • Stopped wearing diapers before sleeping in the night - Just when completing 3 years of age. Mommy became confident to leave her sans-diaper during nights, only after the 3rd Birthday.
  • Started calling her mom, "amma" in the cutest way possible -- A long awaited one, when she was 2yrs 3 months old. Yes, I know, it was a bit late when I was expecting it to happen much earlier. But, she did it :-) And I was T-O-T-A-L-L-Y out of the world when she did it :-)...And from that time, I have been hearing it from her INNUMERABLE number of times when we are around with each other :-)

Friday, August 03, 2012

Recent updates

Some recent updates from my daughter's activities...I think I am missing some ones, as she is talking more these days :-)...Should make it a point to update this blog with all of them, frequently...

Advice from daughter to mom when the latter is trying to make the former sleep as the former has school the next day..."Pranati telling, Go to sleep. Tomorrow office. Ok?"

Last fortnight's comments from her teacher - "P..... often rushes through colouring. She can do better colouring. She takes active part in general conversations". The next day, I asked her teacher through my daughter's diary what "General conversations" means. She replied back saying, "What did you have for breakfast?", "Talk about fruits", "What is your favourite food?"... I understood that my daughter does a lot of general conversation regarding food...hee hee hee...

She has got very well potty-trained for the past around 1.5 months. Even if she is on a diaper, she insists she wants to do "those" things only in the toilet. I do not know how I am going to manage if we go out somewhere and she is on a diaper :-)

She liked the potato+onion masala sandwich that I packed her yesterday to school. There were no remains. One more addition to her lunch box recipe, and one deletion of my tensions-list of what to prepare for her lunch :-)

She has started to become very expressive of her feelings. The other day she was telling her grandparents, "P....... is angry. Don't talk to me. Go to room".

She has picked up Shloka (Saraswathi Namasthubyam) very nicely. Night times (When we are on bed, ready to start the process of sleeping) are the times when I teach her the shlokas when she seems to be very attentive to me. For 2-3 days, I was teaching her this shloka. She would have repeated word-by-word after me, for around 8 to 10 times max. And yesterday, I just tried asking her to tell it herself...Voila!! She did it...I was on cloud nine. She was using the same intonation that I used to teach her...Children are really sponges. I understood that...

I was playing the videos from our camcorder featuring her as a baby, as young as 5 to 9 months. She was delighted to see the "baby", as she calls herself. She is not aware that that baby is only herself :-)